Section 54-59-06 - Business planThe department shall develop and maintain a business plan. The business plan must:
1. Define the department's overall organization, mission, and delivery of services.2. Define the department's short-term and long-term goals and objectives based on customer needs.3. Outline the strategies and activities necessary to meet the goals and objectives of the department while improving the efficiency of the department and improving service to customers.4. Define rates and funding mechanisms necessary to finance the proposed activities of the department.5. Define a method for evaluating progress toward the goals outlined in the business plan.6. Determine the specific strategies and processes to ensure that agencies share information, systems, and the statewide network.7. Address the processes that will be put in place to ensure that the department exercises its powers and duties with minimal delay, cost, and procedural burden to an entity receiving services from the department; to ensure that the department provides prompt, high-quality services to an entity receiving services from the department; to ensure that an entity receiving services from the department is aware of the technology available and to ensure training on its use; and to foster information technology innovation by state entities.