Section 54-52.1-02 - Uniform group insurance program created - Formation into subgroupsIn order to promote the economy and efficiency of employment in the state's service, reduce personnel turnover, and offer an incentive to high-grade individuals to enter and remain in the service of state employment, there is created a uniform group insurance program. The uniform group must be composed of eligible and retired employees and be formed to provide hospital benefits coverage, medical benefits coverage, and life insurance benefits coverage in the manner set forth in this chapter. The uniform group may be divided into the following subgroups at the discretion of the board:
1. Medical and hospital benefits coverage group consisting of active eligible employees and retired employees not eligible for Medicare, except for employees who first retire after July 1, 2015, and are not eligible for Medicare on their retirement. In determining premiums for coverage under this subsection for retired employees not eligible for Medicare, the rate for a non-Medicare retiree single plan is one hundred fifty percent of the active member single plan rate, the rate for a non-Medicare retiree family plan of two people is twice the non-Medicare retiree single plan rate, and the rate for a non-Medicare retiree family plan of three or more persons is two and one-half times the non-Medicare retiree single plan rate.2. In addition to the coverage provided in subsection 1, another coverage option may be provided for retired employees not eligible for Medicare, except for employees who first retire after July 1, 2015, and are not eligible for Medicare on their retirement, provided the option does not increase the implicit subsidy as determined by the governmental accounting standards board's other postemployment benefit reporting procedure. In offering this additional option, the board may have an open enrollment but thereafter enrollment for this option must be as specified in section 54-52.1-03.3. Retired Medicare-eligible employee group medical and hospital benefits coverage.4. Active eligible employee life insurance benefits coverage.5. Retired employee life insurance benefits coverage.6. Terminated employee continuation group medical and hospital benefits coverage.7. Terminated employee conversion group medical and hospital benefits coverage.8. Dental benefits coverage.9. Vision benefits coverage.10. Long-term care benefits coverage.11. Employee assistance benefits coverage.12. Prescription drug coverage.Amended by S.L. 2013, ch. 433 (HB 1058),§ 1, eff. 7/1/2015, the effective date for the implementation of state health care exchanges as specified under section 1321 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 [Pub. L. 111-148] in effect on 3/23/2010, as modified by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 [Pub. L. 111-152] in effect on 3/30/2010, or no later than the first day of the fourth month after a date subsequently designated by the United States department of health and human services for the implementation of state health care exchanges.Amended by S.L. 2011, ch. 433 (SB 2110),§ 1, eff. 8/1/2011.