Section 54-40-08 - Agreements for the use by political subdivisions of buildings and facilities of the state1. Any county, city, township, city park district, school district, or other political subdivision of this state may enter into an agreement with any agency, board, or institution of the state for the use of buildings and facilities under the control of that state agency, board, or institution for a period of time as the parties may determine to be necessary. Before an agreement pursuant to this section is effective, the respective governing body or officer of the state agency, board, or institution must approve the agreement and the attorney general must determine that the agreement is legally sufficient.2. The political subdivision, pursuant to an agreement for the use of buildings and facilities, may make improvements to the buildings or facilities instead of any rental or other payments, but all improvements must first be approved by the governing body or officer of the state agency, board, or institution. The buildings and facilities may be moved or replaced at any time during the term of an agreement, and the political subdivision may use the buildings and facilities constructed in place of the original buildings and facilities for the remainder of the term of the agreement.