N.D. Cent. Code § 54-40-02.1
Any agreement entered into between a county and a city under this chapter for the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of a building for their joint use by bonds issued pursuant to section 54-40-03 must provide for a building management commission composed of elected officials of the county, elected officials of the city, and representatives of the public, with the exact number of each to be specified in the agreement. The agreement must specify the powers to be exercised by the building management commission with respect to the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of the building, and with respect to any lease entered into by the commission and any noncounty and noncity governmental entity for use of a portion of the building. Notwithstanding section 48-08-07, a lease of a portion of any building used jointly by a county and a city pursuant to this section may be for a term longer than two years.
N.D.C.C. § 54-40-02.1