N.D. Cent. Code § 54-30-14
The Bank shall deposit the moneys paid on a mortgage assigned under this chapter into a separate fund designated as the real estate bond sinking fund. In this fund must be placed all sums collected for the purpose of retiring the principal of the bonds at their maturity and paying the interest thereon when due, except an administration fee which may be retained by the Bank. Payments may be made out of the fund only for the purpose for which it is created. The fund must be kept apart from all other funds in the possession of the Bank. The Bank also shall keep in the fund, as a part thereof for the same purpose, in the same manner, and under the same limitations and conditions, all moneys received whether from the proceeds of taxes or from payments made by the industrial commission or from legislative appropriations or otherwise, which must be by law or by other authoritative designation made applicable to the payment of the principal of the bonds or the interest thereon.
N.D.C.C. § 54-30-14