Section 54-16-04.2 - Commission may authorize acceptance and expenditure of state special funds and other sources1. Upon a finding that an emergency exists, the emergency commission, upon the advice of the office of management and budget, with approval of the budget section of the legislative management if the amount under consideration exceeds fifty thousand dollars but does not exceed three million dollars, may authorize a state officer to receive and expend moneys from gifts, grants, donations, or other sources, not otherwise appropriated by the legislative assembly, for new or existing programs if the legislative assembly has not indicated an intent to reject the moneys or the program.2. Upon a finding that an emergency exists, the emergency commission, upon the advice of the office of management and budget, with approval of the budget section of the legislative management if the amount under consideration exceeds three million dollars, may authorize a state officer to receive and expend moneys from gifts, grants, donations, or other sources, not otherwise appropriated by the legislative assembly, for new or existing programs if the legislative assembly has not indicated an intent to reject the moneys or the program. The budget section may approve a request under this subsection in the form received from the emergency commission or may amend and approve a request. A request amended and approved by the budget section is deemed to be approved by the emergency commission. Any request considered by the budget section must comply with section 54-35-02.9.3. A state officer receiving authorization to expend money under this section may expend the money from the date the money becomes available until June thirtieth following the next regular legislative session. Approval by the budget section of the legislative management is not required for the acceptance of moneys under this section if the acceptance is necessary to avoid an imminent threat to the safety of people or property due to a natural disaster or war crisis or an imminent financial loss to the state. Budget section approval is required before the expenditure of any funds accepted under these conditions.4. The cumulative amount of requests to expend funds which may be approved each biennium under this section may not exceed twenty million dollars. Any request received under this section which, if approved, would result in more than twenty million dollars being approved for expenditures under this section during the biennium may be approved only by the legislative assembly during a regular legislative session or during a special legislative session called by the governor. The director of the office of management and budget shall notify the members of the legislative assembly of any requests submitted which, if approved, would exceed the limit under this subsection.Amended by S.L. 2023, ch. 472 (SB 2029),§ 2, eff. 4/26/2023.Amended by S.L. 2021 , ch. 401( SB 2290 ), § 2, eff. 4/29/2021 (governor's veto not sustained).