N.D. Cent. Code § 39-01-01.1
The legislative assembly in adopting title 39 recognized that the development of a modern and integrated highway system which is so essential to safe and efficient highway transportation represents a large investment of public funds. To ensure maximum public benefits from such investment, authority has been vested in appropriate agencies of government for the establishment, construction, maintenance, and operation of needed road facilities, within the limits of funds made available.
Additionally, the legislative assembly recognizes that other functions of government, established pursuant to title 39 to govern the ownership and use of motor vehicles, also are supported by public funds and render important public services which contribute to the safe and efficient use of roads and streets. The responsibilities of state government include such functions as vehicle registration and titling, driver licensing, financial responsibility, police traffic supervision, accident investigation and reporting, and use of accident records, traffic operations, and similar functions conducted under motor vehicle laws affecting motor vehicles and their use.
In fulfilling these responsibilities, the legislative assembly recognizes the necessity that individual prerogatives be considered secondary to the general welfare and so it is expected that the officials will adopt such reasonable policies, procedures, rules, and regulations as may be necessary, within the authority granted by law, and in so doing shall make appropriate use of recommended standards developed by recognized official groups to ensure a desirable level of uniformity throughout the state and with other states. Such uniformity is especially important in the use and application of uniform signs, signals, and markings.
It is expected, further, that the officials will cooperate with each other where such cooperation is essential, and not otherwise prescribed by law. Moreover, there is also need for more effective coordination of activities among all branches and levels of government in carrying out their respective traffic safety responsibilities, including the governor's office, the state legislative assembly and city councils, the administrative, enforcement, and judicial officials of the state and its political subdivisions. In all matters of mutual concern, and where appropriate, cooperation is also encouraged among state officials, officials of other states and the federal government, and other responsible groups, both public and private.
Highway transportation is a dynamic force in our society and is influenced by new developments and changing public needs. To keep abreast of foreseeable adjustments, it is expected that the officials will engage in such research and planning as may be necessary and as may be provided for in this title. Such efforts should be conducted in cooperation with all interested public and private groups, and directed towards the development of realistic traffic accident prevention programs to guide legislative decisions and enlist public support in meeting immediate and potential needs.
In keeping with the policies herein enunciated, it is the intent of the legislative assembly to equip each function with the necessary authority to maintain an adequate level of performance in all functions concerned with the ownership and use of motor vehicles, as they are established in title 39, consistent with the expanding needs of highway transportation, in order to protect the public safety, promote the general welfare, and advance the economy of the state.
N.D.C.C. § 39-01-01.1