N.D. Cent. Code § 26.1-30-03.1
An insurance carrier or producer licensed to provide insurance under this title may provide insurance policies, endorsements, or riders in a language other than English. All policies, endorsements, and riders written in languages other than English must be filed pursuant to sections 26.1-30-19, 26.1-30-20, and 26.1-30-21 and must include a written certification declaring to the commissioner that the non-English documents are accurate translations of the benefits provided in the English version pursuant to sections 26.1-30-19, 26.1-30-20, and 26.1-30-21. If there is a dispute or complaint regarding the non-English documents, the English language version of the insurance coverage controls the resolution of the dispute or complaint. This section does not abrogate or supersede the provisions of chapter 26.1-04 relating to prohibited practices within insurance business.
N.D.C.C. § 26.1-30-03.1