Section 20.1-06-14 - Live bait wholesalers and retailers - LicenseThe director shall adopt rules to control and supervise the operations of minnow or other live bait wholesalers and retailers. The director shall issue a license to each wholesaler when the wholesaler has complied with the director's rules and has paid the appropriate annual license fee. The director also shall issue a license to each retailer when the retailer has complied with the director's rules and has paid the appropriate license fee. A person may not take, possess, purchase, transport, or sell minnows or other live bait at wholesale or retail without first obtaining the appropriate license. The director may require each retailer or wholesaler to submit reports as the director may determine necessary. Licenses for wholesalers issued under this section authorize the following:
1. The annual resident license to sell minnows or other live bait at wholesale entitles the licensee to ten tags to mark bait-trapping equipment. A tag must be affixed to each trap used by the licensee. Upon request, the director shall issue additional tags to a licensee at a cost of five dollars per tag. A licensee may not import or export bait without first obtaining a permit from the director.2. The annual class B nonresident license to sell minnows or other live bait at wholesale entitles a nonresident to import or export bait. A nonresident holding an annual class B nonresident license to sell minnows or other live bait at wholesale may not trap bait.3. The annual class A nonresident license to sell minnows or other live bait at wholesale entitles the licensee to ten tags to mark bait-trapping equipment. A tag must be affixed to each trap used by the licensee. Upon request, the director shall issue additional tags to a licensee at a cost of five dollars per tag. The annual class A nonresident license to sell minnows or other live bait at wholesale entitles the licensee to trap in state waters with the permission of the director and permits the import and export of approved bait with the permission of the director. A nonresident may hold a class A license under this section if the nonresident's state of residence provides the same privilege for residents of North Dakota.