Section 19-04-03 - Records to be kept of poisons dispensed - Examination of records - PenaltyEvery person who sells at retail, furnishes, gives away, or delivers to another any of the articles or preparations mentioned in section 19-04-01 or any drug, chemical, or preparation which, according to the standard works on medicine or materia medica, is liable, in quantities of sixty grains [388.80 centigrams] or less, to destroy adult human life, and who:
1. Fails or neglects, before delivering the same, to enter or cause to be entered in a book kept for that purpose, the date of sale, the name and address of the person to whom the article or preparation is delivered or sold, the name, quantity, and quality of the article or preparation delivered or sold, and the name of the dispenser; or2. Fails, neglects, or refuses, during business hours, to exhibit such book, and every part thereof, for inspection, and to permit the same to be inspected, upon demand, by any physician, coroner, peace officer, or magistrate of the county, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.