N.D. Cent. Code § 16.1-12-03
No certificate of nomination provided for by this chapter, except in the case of presidential electors, may contain the name of more than one nominee for each office to be filled. An individual elected or appointed to an office appearing on the no-party ballot or seeking nomination and election to a no-party office may also seek nomination to legislative office and may serve in the legislative assembly, unless the no-party office is the office of district court judge, or a statewide elective office. Except as may be permitted in this section, no individual may participate directly or indirectly in the nomination of more than one individual for each office to be filled on the general election ballot, except an individual may sign a certificate of nomination by petition for more than one individual for each office, and no individual may accept a nomination to more than one office on the general election ballot. No political party is entitled to more than one set of nominees on the official general election ballot.
N.D.C.C. § 16.1-12-03