N.D. Cent. Code § 16.1-10-04.1
Every political advertisement by newspaper, pamphlet or folder, display card, sign, poster, or billboard, website, or by any other similar public means, on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office, designed to assist, injure, or defeat the candidate by reflecting upon the candidate's personal character or political action, or by a measure committee as described in section 16.1-08.1-01, or a corporation making an independent expenditure either for or against a measure, must disclose on the advertisement the name of the person, as defined in section 16.1-08.1-01, or political party paying for the advertisement. If the name of a political party, association, or partnership is used, the disclaimer must also include the name of the chairman or other responsible individual from the political party, association, or partnership. The name of the person paying for any radio or television broadcast containing any advertising announcement for or against any candidate for public office must be announced at the close of the broadcast. If the name of a political party, association, or partnership is used, the disclaimer must also include the name of the chairman or other responsible individual from the political party, association, or partnership. In every political advertisement in which the name of the person paying for the advertisement is disclosed, the first and last name of any named individual must be disclosed. An advertisement paid for by an individual candidate or group of candidates must disclose that the advertisement was paid for by the individual candidate or group of candidates. The first and last name or names of the candidates paying for the advertisement are not required to be disclosed. This section does not apply to campaign buttons.
N.D.C.C. § 16.1-10-04.1