Section 8-5-2 - Duties of attorney generalExcept as otherwise provided by law, the attorney general shall:
A. prosecute and defend all causes in the supreme court and court of appeals in which the state is a party or interested; B. prosecute and defend in any other court or tribunal all actions and proceedings, civil or criminal, in which the state may be a party or interested when, in his judgment, the interest of the state requires such action or when requested to do so by the governor; C. prosecute and defend all actions and proceedings brought by or against any state officer or head of a state department, board or commission, or any employee of the state in his official capacity; D. give his opinion in writing upon any question of law submitted to him by the legislature or any branch thereof, any state official, elective or appointive, or any district attorney on any subject pending before them or under their control with which they have to deal officially or with reference to their duty in office; E. prepare drafts for contracts, bonds and other instruments of writing which may be required for the use of the state whenever requested to do so by any state officer; F. promptly account to the state treasurer for all state funds received by him; G. report to the governor and legislature the condition of his office, the text of all opinions rendered and a summary of business transacted of public interest, which report shall be submitted each year; H. keep a register of all opinions rendered and all actions prosecuted and defended by him, and of all proceedings in relation thereto; I. attend and assist in the trial of any indictment or information in any county on direction of the governor; J. appear before local, state and federal courts and regulatory officers, agencies and bodies, to represent and to be heard on behalf of the state when, in his judgment, the public interest of the state requires such action or when requested to do so by the governor; and K. perform all other duties required by law. Laws 1933, ch. 21, § 2; 1941 Comp., § 3-302; 1953 Comp., § 4-3-2; Laws 1966, ch. 28, § 15; 1975, ch. 327, § 1.