Section 8-5-17 - Attorney general; consumer representation before commissionA. The attorney general shall represent residential and small business consumers in matters before the public regulation commission as the attorney general deems appropriate. B. The attorney general: (1) shall research, study and analyze residential and small business consumer interests; (2) shall prepare and present briefs, arguments, proposed rates or orders and intervene or appear on behalf of residential and small business consumers before the public regulation commission as a party in interest; (3) may accept grants and donations in the name of the state to carry out the provisions of this section; (4) may cooperate with tribal and pueblo governments in New Mexico to ensure that the interests of Indian residential and small business consumers are being represented appropriately before the public regulation commission; and (5) shall report by December 1 of each year to the legislature and the governor on the activities of his office on behalf of residential and small business consumers. Laws 1998, ch. 108, § 22.