N.M. Stat. § 72-19-6
The boundaries of the authority are as follows: a portion of southern Sandoval county bounded on the east by the Rio Grande, on the south by the Bernalillo and Sandoval county lines, on the west by the top of the Rio Puerco drainage and on the north by the top of the drainage that lies on the southern boundary of the Zia Indian reservation, the Santa Ana Indian reservation and state highway 550. The boundary of the authority is more particularly described as follows: beginning at the intersection of the west bank of the Rio Grande and the Sandoval county line in projected section 8, township 11 north, range 3 east, that point also being the southeast corner of herein described boundary; thence proceeding in a northeasterly and westerly direction along the Sandoval county line for approximately fourteen and one-half miles to the top of the Rio Puerco drainage in section 32, township 12 north, range 1 east; thence, in a northerly direction along the top of the Rio Puerco drainage for approximately fourteen miles to a point in the southwest corner of section 21, township 14 north, range 1 east; thence, in an easterly direction along the top of the Rio Puerco drainage and the Zia Indian reservation boundary to a point in the southeast corner of section 21, township 14 north, range 1 east; thence, south for approximately one mile along the west boundary of the Zia Indian reservation to a point in the southeast corner of section 28, township 14 north, range 1 east; thence, in an easterly direction along the southern boundary of the Zia Indian reservation for approximately six miles to a point in the southeast corner of section 33, township 14 north, range 2 east; thence, in an easterly direction for approximately three miles to a point in the northeast corner of section 1, township 13 north, range 2 east; thence, south for approximately one mile to a point on the northeast corner of section 12, township 13 north, range 2 east; thence, east for approximately two miles to the south side of state highway 550 in section 9, township 13 north, range 3 east; thence, in a southeasterly direction along the south side of state highway 550, not including Pueblo of Santa Ana reservation, for approximately six miles to a point on the west bank of the Rio Grande in section 30, township 13 north, range 4 east; thence, in a southwesterly direction along the west bank of the Rio Grande for a distance of approximately ten miles to a point in section 8, township 11 north, range 3 east, which point is the southeast corner and point of beginning of the authority.
NMS § 72-19-6