N.M. Stat. § 7-38-69
Amounts collected under installment agreements entered into by the department that represent delinquent taxes shall be remitted to the county treasurer of the county to which the net taxable value of the property is allocated for distribution to the governmental units. Amounts collected that represent penalties, interest and costs shall be retained by the department in accordance with Section 7-38-71 NMSA 1978. Money collected shall be remitted at the times and in the manner required by regulations of the department of finance and administration. When the department has received payment in full of delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs paid under an installment agreement, the department shall notify the county treasurer of that fact, and the county treasurer shall make an entry on the property tax schedule indicating that the delinquent property taxes, penalties and interest have been paid.
NMS § 7-38-69