N.M. Stat. § 63-3-7
A check shall be affixed to every package or parcel of baggage when taken for transportation by such corporation, and a duplicate thereof shall be given to the passenger delivering the same for transportation, and, if such check be refused on demand, such corporation shall pay to such passenger the sum of twenty dollars [($20.00)], to be recovered by action in any court of competent jurisdiction and in addition to the foregoing, no fare or toll shall be collected from such passenger; and if such passenger shall have paid his or her fare, he or she shall be entitled, upon demand, to a return thereof. Upon the production of such check at his or her place of destination, such passenger shall be entitled to receive his or her baggage, and if the same be not delivered within a reasonable time, he or she may be a witness in any action brought on account of such nondelivery, to prove the contents and value thereof: provided, that all actions to recover such baggage, or the value thereof, shall be barred at the expiration of three months after the same shall have accrued.
NMS § 63-3-7