Section 61-6B-8 - Committee; creation; organization; per diem and mileage; removalA. The "polysomnography practice advisory committee" is created to advise the board on all matters related to the Polysomnography Practice Act. The board shall provide administrative and financial support to the committee.B. The committee shall have five members, who are residents of New Mexico, appointed by the board as follows: (1) two members who are credentialed by the board of registered polysomnographic technologists; provided that when the New Mexico medical board begins issuing licenses, this category of committee members shall be three licensed polysomnographic technologists, with the then-sitting members in this category being given a reasonable amount of time to become licensed;(2) one licensed physician who is certified in sleep medicine by a national certifying body recognized by the American academy of sleep medicine;(3) one person whose background is at the discretion of the board; and(4) one member of the public who is not economically or professionally associated with the health care field.C. Term-length conditions for appointments to the committee are:(1) for initial appointments, two members each for four-year, three-year and two-year terms and one member for a one-year term;(2) for regular appointments after the initial appointments, four-year terms;(3) for a vacancy appointment, the balance of the term; and(4) for any one member, no more than two terms, including an initial appointment term; provided that a member shall continue to serve on the committee until a replacement is appointed.D. The committee shall elect annually a chairperson and other officers as the committee determines to be necessary.E. The committee shall meet at least twice per calendar year and otherwise as often as necessary to conduct business, with four members constituting a quorum and meetings subject to the Open Meetings Act [Chapter 10, Article 15 NMSA 1978].F. Members of the committee shall be reimbursed as nonsalaried public officers pursuant to the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 to 10-8-8 NMSA 1978], and members shall receive no other compensation, perquisite or allowance for their service on the committee.G. The board may remove from office a member of the committee for neglect of duties required by the Polysomnography Practice Act, malfeasance in office, incompetence or unprofessional conduct.