N.M. Stat. § 53-10-1
Whenever two or more persons shall desire to form an association for the promotion of their mutual pleasure or recreation of any hunting, fishing, camping, golf, country club, or association for a similar purpose, or an association not for the individual profit of the members thereof, and without incorporating the same as a corporation, or maintaining the title of its property in trust for the interest of its several members as they may exist from time to time.[, the] The said persons or members desiring to form such an association or club may file in the office of the county clerk of the county in which it may maintain its headquarters and pursue its objects and purposes, a statement containing the name of such association, its objects and purposes, the names and residences of the persons forming such association, together with a copy of its articles of association and any rules and/or regulations governing the transactions of its objects and purposes and prescribing the terms by which its members may maintain or cease their membership therein.
NMS § 53-10-1