Section 43-3-15 - County DWI plansA. With the advice of the planning council, the board or its designee shall prepare a county DWI plan. Upon approval of the DWI plan by the board and the planning council, the board shall submit the DWI plan to the department for approval and integration into the statewide alcoholism services plan. B. Two or more boards may agree to establish a multicounty DWI plan. C. Each county DWI plan shall include: (1) a county needs assessment that identifies and quantifies: (a) the major factors that affect access to and the success or effectiveness of local DWI programs; (b) the gaps and needs not covered in local DWI programs; and (c) the extent to which county residents use DWI programs available in other counties; (2) an inventory of existing public and private DWI providers and programs in the county, including identification of any DWI program duplication, and existing governmental funding and other resources, including county funding, for county DWI programs; and (3) recommendations and goals for providing, improving and funding DWI programs in the county, based on the needs assessment and inventory, and including proposals to eliminate duplication of programs and services, improve access to programs and services, establish new programs or services, provide additional funding, in-kind contributions and other resources for existing programs and where feasible use DWI programs available in other counties. D. The county DWI plan shall be updated at the request of the board or the department if the plan as implemented through the statewide alcoholism services plan is not achieving its stated goals, if the needs of the county have changed or if the department determines that the distribution of funds is not having an impact on the incidence of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs.