A. After its appointment, the welfare reform oversight committee shall hold one organizational meeting to develop a work plan and budget for the ensuing interim. The work plan and budget shall be submitted to the New Mexico legislative council for approval. Upon approval of the work plan and budget by the legislative council, the committee shall: (1) examine the statutes, constitutional provisions and rules governing welfare reform in New Mexico;(2) monitor and oversee the implementation of the New Mexico Works Act [Chapter 27, Article 2B NMSA 1978];(3) review issues related to welfare reform, including job training programs and related contracts; cash assistance; child care, transportation and other job-related services; and other issues that arise because of the devolution of the federal welfare programs to the states; and(4) make recommendations relating to the adoption of rules and legislation, if any are found to be necessary.B. The committee shall regularly receive testimony from the secretaries of human services; labor; children, youth and families; and health and the superintendent of public instruction on issues arising from the implementation of the New Mexico Works Act and shall review proposed rules, schedules and formulae before adoption. Laws 1998, ch. 8, § 23 and Laws 1998, ch. 9, § 23.