Section 14-4-5.6 - Emergency ruleA. An agency shall comply with the rulemaking procedures of the State Rules Act unless the agency finds that the time required to complete the procedures would: (1) cause an imminent peril to the public health, safety or welfare;(2) cause the unanticipated loss of funding for an agency program; or(3) place the agency in violation of federal law.B. The agency shall provide to the public a record of any finding pursuant to Subsection A of this section and a detailed justification for that finding before issuing an emergency rule. The record shall include a statement that the emergency rule is temporary. After such record has been provided to the public, the agency may issue the emergency rule immediately without a public rule hearing or with any abbreviated notice and hearing that it finds practicable.C. When an agency makes a finding pursuant to Subsection A of this section, the agency shall follow the provisions of this section in addition to any more specific requirements in statute that pertain to the agency regarding promulgating emergency or interim rules.D. Emergency rules may take effect immediately upon filing with the state records administrator or the administrator's designee or at a later date specified in the emergency rule. Emergency rules shall be published in the New Mexico register.E. No emergency rule shall permanently amend or repeal an existing rule. An emergency rule shall remain in effect until a permanent rule takes effect under the normal rulemaking process. If no permanent rule is adopted within one hundred eighty days from the effective date of the emergency rule, the emergency rule shall expire and may not be readopted as an emergency rule. If an expired emergency rule temporarily amended or repealed an existing rule, the rule shall revert to what it would have been had the emergency rule not been issued.Added by 2017, c. 137,s. 8, eff. 7/1/2017.