Section 14-4-5.2 - Notice of proposed rulemakingA. Not later than thirty days before a public rule hearing, the agency proposing the rule shall provide to the public and publish in the New Mexico register a notice of proposed rulemaking. The notice shall include: (1) a summary of the full text of the proposed rule;(2) a short explanation of the purpose of the proposed rule;(3) a citation to the specific legal authority authorizing the proposed rule and the adoption of the rule;(4) information on how a copy of the full text of the proposed rule may be obtained;(5) information on how a person may comment on the proposed rule, where comments will be received and when comments are due;(6) information on where and when a public rule hearing will be held and how a person may participate in the hearing; and(7) a citation to technical information, if any, that served as a basis for the proposed rule, and information on how the full text of the technical information may be obtained.B. An agency may charge a reasonable fee for providing any records in nonelectronic form when provided to a person pursuant to this section. An agency shall not charge a fee for providing any records in electronic form when provided to a person pursuant to this section.C. An internet link providing free access to the full text of the proposed rule shall be included on the notice of proposed rulemaking.D. If the agency changes the date of the public rule hearing or the deadline for submitting comments as stated in the notice, the agency shall provide notice to the public of the change.E. The state records administrator or the administrator's designee shall timely publish the notice of proposed rulemaking in the next publication of the New Mexico register.Added by 2017, c. 137,s. 4, eff. 7/1/2017.