N.M. Stat. § 12-5-20
The first Tuesday of February of each odd-numbered year shall be known and celebrated as "Asian American, Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian Day" in recognition of the many cultural, economic and historic contributions and sacrifices Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Native Hawaiians, East Asians, Southeast Asians, South Asians and all other groups who have migrated from, have historical ties to or identify themselves as from Asia have made to New Mexico. This day shall be observed by the people of New Mexico in efforts and undertakings that celebrate the diversity of cultural and linguistic heritage in New Mexico; honor all past, present and future leaders in New Mexico who are Asian American, Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian, East Asian, Southeast Asian and South Asian and all other groups who have migrated from, have historical ties to or identify themselves as from Asia; and are in harmony with the general character of the day so established.
NMS § 12-5-20