Section 55:19-101 - Special tax sales; noticeMunicipalities may hold special tax sales with respect to those properties eligible for tax sale pursuant to R.S. 54:5-19 which are also on an abandoned property list established by the municipality pursuant to section 36 of P.L. 1996, c. 62(C.55:19-55). Municipalities electing to hold a special tax sale shall conduct that sale subject to the following provisions:
a. The municipality shall establish criteria for eligibility to bid on properties at the sale, which may include, but shall not be limited to: documentation of the bidder's ability to rehabilitate or otherwise reuse the property consistent with municipal plans and regulations; commitments by the bidder to rehabilitate or otherwise reuse the property, consistent with municipal plans and regulations; commitments by the bidder to take action to foreclose on the tax lien by a date certain; and such other criteria as the municipality may determine are necessary to ensure that the properties to be sold will be rehabilitated or otherwise reused in a manner consistent with the public interest;b. The municipality may establish minimum bid requirements for a special tax sale that may be less than the full amount of the taxes, interest and penalties due, the amount of such minimum bid to be at the sole discretion of the municipality, in order to ensure that the properties to be sold will be rehabilitated or otherwise reused in a manner consistent with the public interest;c. The municipality may combine properties into bid packages, and require that bidders place a single bid on each package, and reject any and all bids on individual properties that have been included in bid packages;d. The municipality may sell properties subject to provisions that, if the purchaser fails to carry out any commitment that has been set forth as a condition of sale pursuant to subsection a. of this section or misrepresents any material qualification that has been established as a condition of eligibility to bid pursuant thereto, then the properties and any interest thereto acquired by the purchaser shall revert to the municipality, and any amount paid by the purchaser to the municipality at the special tax sale shall be forfeit to the municipality;e. In the event there are two or more qualified bidders for any property or bid package in a special tax sale, the municipality may designate the unsuccessful but qualified bidder whose bid was closest to the successful bid as an eligible purchaser;f. In the event that the purchaser of that property or bid package fails to meet any of the conditions of sale established by the municipality pursuant to this section, and their interest in the property or properties reverts to the municipality, the municipality may subsequently designate the entity previously designated as an eligible purchaser as the winning bidder for the property or properties, and assign the tax sale certificates to that entity on the basis of that entity's bid at the special tax sale, subject to the terms and conditions of the special tax sale.g. The municipality shall provide notice of a special tax sale pursuant to R.S. 54:5-26. The notice shall include any special terms of sale established by the municipality pursuant to subsection b., c. or d. of this section. Nothing shall prohibit the municipality from holding a special tax sale on the same day as a standard or accelerated tax sale.Amended by L. 2005, c. 118, s. 9, eff. 6/29/2005.Added by L. 2003, c. 210, s. 24, eff. 1/8/2004.