Section 54:8A-19 - Assignment of claim for refund of money paid or withheld in other jurisdiction(a) Every resident of this State who is subject to tax in some other jurisdiction for income and gains derived from sources within such other jurisdiction, which jurisdiction grants to residents of this State a credit substantially similar to that allowed to non-residents of this State by section 16(A) of this act, and who is subject to tax under this act and who has made payment on the estimated amount of such tax, or who has, in such jurisdiction, been subject to deduction and withholding of money, otherwise payable to him, for the purpose of crediting the same to the payment of such tax, shall be entitled to satisfy his obligation to pay the tax due under this act by entering into an agreement with the division, in such form and containing such provisions as may be fixed by regulation, which shall constitute an assignment and transfer to the State of New Jersey of the chose in action consisting of his claim for refund of moneys so paid or deducted and withheld, as well as an agreement to pay to the division so much of any refund as may be received by him as equals the tax under this act, within such period, to be not longer than 1 month after receipt by him of any such refund, as may be fixed by regulation; and for said purposes shall execute, deliver and file such document or documents, in such forms, in such place or places and at such times as may be provided by regulation; and upon the making of any such assignment the State of New Jersey shall thereupon become the owner and holder of any such claims and shall be entitled to assert the same in its own right and as its own property, whether it asserts the same in its own name or in the name of the assigning taxpayers or otherwise. In the event that the amount so paid or deducted and withheld, and received by the State of New Jersey pursuant to such agreement, shall exceed the amount necessary to satisfy the obligation of taxpayer under this act, the excess shall be repaid to taxpayer upon application therefor in accordance with procedures and forms fixed by regulation.
Every taxpayer exercising any option under this subsection shall be obliged to cooperate fully in any proceedings which may be taken for recovery of the claim for refund, and for that purpose shall execute and deliver such papers, affidavits, forms or other documents, shall appear and be available to give testimony at such place or places and at such time or times, shall furnish such information, shall permit the institution of such proceeding or proceedings in his name or otherwise, but at the sole cost and expense of the State, and do all other things, as the division shall deem appropriate or desirable for the effective recovery of any sum due and payable on such claim.
The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any tax, or to any payment or deduction and withholding for the satisfaction of the same, imposed by any Federal law.
(b) If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the division, based upon an opinion of the Attorney General of this State, that any residents of this State, or class of residents of this State, who are subject to the tax imposed by this act, are liable for tax upon the same income under the law imposed for the taxable year by another critical area State and are thereby entitled to the credit allowed by section 16(B) of this act against the tax otherwise due under this act and that said credit is substantially sufficient to offset the taxes imposed hereunder, the division may by regulation relieve such residents or class of residents from being required to make any return under this act.L.1961, c.32, p.134, s.19, eff. 5/29/1961; amended by L.1962, c.70, s.6.