N.J. Stat. § 54:4-63.13
On the written complaint of the tax assessor, the collector of taxes, or any taxpayer, of the taxing district, or of the governing body thereof, or upon a resolution by the county board of taxation, of its own motion, the county board of taxation shall hear the matter. Any such complaint or motion shall specify the property alleged to have been omitted and the particular year of the assessment. At least 15 days' notice in writing shall be given to the owner of the property of the time and place of the hearing and the notice shall specify the property alleged to have been omitted and the particular year of the assessment. The notice may be served by certified mail. The collector shall present such complaints and serve such notices as the governing body may direct and shall attend before the county board of taxation and subpoena proper witnesses and pay their fees. He shall receive reimbursement therefor and two dollars ($2.00) for every day he shall attend for his services from the taxing district. When the tax assessor files a complaint, the tax board shall send a notice of the complaint to the tax collector.
N.J.S. § 54:4-63.13