Section 54:4-38 - Public inspection notice; advertisement; appealsa. Except as provided in subsection b. of this section, every assessor, at least ten days before filing the complete assessment list and duplicate with the county board of taxation, and before annexing thereto his affidavit as required in section 54:4-36 of this title, shall notify each taxpayer of the current assessment and preceding year's taxes and give public notice by advertisement in at least one newspaper circulating within his taxing district of a time and place when and where the assessment list may be inspected by any taxpayer for the purpose of enabling the taxpayer to ascertain what assessments have been made against him or his property and to confer informally with the assessor as to the correctness of the assessments, so that any errors may be corrected before the filing of the assessment list and duplicate. Thereafter, the assessor shall notify each taxpayer by mail within 30 days of any change to the assessment. This notification of change of assessment shall contain the prior assessment and the current assessment. Any notice issued by the assessor shall contain information instructing taxpayers on how to appeal their assessment along with the deadline to file an appeal, printed in boldface type.b. In the case of a municipality located in a county where the county board of taxation is participating in the demonstration program established in section 4 of P.L. 2013, c. 15(C.54:1-104), in the case of a county operating under the "Property Tax Assessment Reform Act," P.L. 2009, c. 118(C.54:1-86 et seq.), and in the case of a municipality located in a county that has adopted, by resolution, the provisions of section 1 of P.L. 2018, c. 94(C.54:1-105), every assessor, before filing the preliminary assessment list with the county board of taxation pursuant to subsection b. of R.S. 54:4-35, shall notify each taxpayer of the preliminary assessment and preceding year's taxes and give public notice by advertisement in at least one newspaper circulating within his taxing district of a time and place when and where the assessment list may be inspected by any taxpayer for the purpose of enabling the taxpayer to ascertain what assessments have been made against the taxpayer or the taxpayer's property. Thereafter, the assessor shall notify each taxpayer by mail within 30 days of any change to the assessment. This notification of change of assessment shall contain the prior assessment and the current assessment. Any notice issued by the assessor shall contain information instructing taxpayers on how to appeal their assessment along with the deadline to file an appeal, printed in boldface type. The notification required by this section shall satisfy any notice requirement to a property owner in a municipality located in a county wherein the county board of taxation is participating in the "Real Property Assessment Demonstration Program" established in section 4 of P.L. 2013, c. 15(C.54:1-104) concerning the assessment of that property owner's preliminary assessment value for the tax year.
Amended by L. 2021, c. 136, s. 5, eff. 6/30/2021.Amended by L. 2018, c. 94, s. 8, eff. 8/17/2018.Amended by L. 2017, c. 306, s. 7, eff. 1/16/2018.Amended by L. 2017, c. 16,s. 2, eff. 2/10/2017.Amended by L., c. 15,s. 14, eff. 1/25/2013.Amended 1991, c.75, s.31.