N.J. Stat. § 54:4-3.159
Notwithstanding any law, rule, or regulation to the contrary, real property acquired by the Meadowlands Conservation Trust created pursuant to P.L. 1999, c. 31(C.13:17-87 et al.) pursuant to purchase, conveyance, bequest, exchange, donation, acceptance, or otherwise shall become exempt from taxation and the payment of any in lieu of tax obligation as of the date of acquisition by the trust. If, at the time of acquisition by the trust, the prior owner has paid the taxes or any in lieu of tax obligation for the current tax year in full or for a period beyond the date of acquisition by the trust, the prior owner shall be entitled to a prorated refund from the taxing authority of the taxes or in lieu of tax obligations paid by the prior owner for the remaining portion of the tax year beyond the date of acquisition by the trust. If insufficient or no taxes, or insufficient or no in lieu of tax obligations, shall have been paid by the prior owner for the portion of the tax year prior to acquisition by the trust, the prior owner shall pay the amount due for that period to the appropriate taxing authority.
N.J.S. § 54:4-3.159