N.J. Stat. § 54:4-3.155
No exemption shall be granted pursuant to P.L. 1995, c.413 (C.54:4-3.150 et seq.) except upon written application filed with the assessor of the taxing district wherein the environmental opportunity zone is located and is approved by the governing body by resolution or ordinance, as required by the enabling ordinance. Every application shall be on a form prescribed by the Director of the Division of Taxation, in the Department of the Treasury, and provided for the use of claimants by the governing body of the municipality constituting the taxing district. Every application for an exemption may be approved and allowed by the governing body to the degree that the application is consistent with the provisions of the enabling ordinance. The exemption shall not be granted by the governing body until the owner of the property enters into a memorandum of agreement or administrative consent order with the Department of Environmental Protection for the remediation. An exemption that is granted shall take effect upon the approval by the governing body and it shall be recorded and made a permanent part of the official tax records of the taxing district, which record shall contain a notice of the termination date of the exemption. The owner of the property shall deliver a copy of the approved exemption application to the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs.
N.J.S. § 54:4-3.155