Section 54:4-122.9 - Official tax receiving agency; designation of bank or trust company; rules and regulationsa. The local governing body of any municipality may, by resolution, from time to time designate a bank or trust company as "Official Tax Receiving Agency of (insert name of municipality)," to receive current tax payments, current water and sewer rents, and other public moneys under the supervision of the tax collector of the municipality; and the local governing body shall have power to contract for the payment of a reasonable fee for such service. The local governing body shall designate a bank or trust company commonly and generally used by residents of the municipality and shall give preference to any one of such institutions as offers to render the service for the lowest net cost to the municipality. In the event that two or more such offers are equal, preference shall be given to the bank or trust company that has been the holder of the larger aggregate amount of the municipality's evidences of indebtedness during the period of 12 months next preceding.b. The Director of the Division of Local Government Services shall establish, in accordance with the "Administrative Procedure Act," (P.L. 1968, c. 410; C. 52:14B-1 et seq.), rules and regulations to be followed in municipalities adopting the provisions of subsection a. of this section, which shall include, but not be limited to: (1) Procedures for the appropriate and timely notification of taxpayers of any such designation made;(2) Provisions for the exercise of the supervision of the tax collector over the receipt by the designated bank and trust company of public moneys as required under this section; and,(3) Requirements or restrictions concerning the holding, use, accounting, reporting, and payment to the municipality, of public moneys received by such a designated bank or trust company.L.1940, c.257, p.971, s.9; amended by L.1979, c.402, s.1, eff. 2/8/1980.