b. The office may assist in the development and use, by patients, residents or clients of facilities, of councils and other forums which permit such patients, residents or clients to discuss and communicate, on a continuing basis, their views on the strengths and weaknesses of the operations of the facility and on the quality of care provided and quality of life fostered. Memberships on such councils shall be determined by the patients, residents or clients of the particular facility and may include, but shall not be limited to, such patients, residents or clients, interested relatives, friends or community persons. Assistance by the office may include, but shall not be limited to, conference with administrators, operators or managers of facilities on the purpose and function of such councils and, upon request, participation in the formation of a council which the office deems appropriate to the individual needs of the facility and its patients, residents or clients. In implementing the provisions of this section the ombudsman shall coordinate the efforts of the office concerning volunteers and councils with all relevant government agencies, and with the administrators of such private facilities as he may deem appropriate, to insure coordination and avoid duplication of effort, so that the volunteer programs and councils developed and supported by the office may genuinely serve the interests of the institutionalized elderly without in any way disrupting the legitimate functioning of any facility in this State.