N.J. Stat. § 52:18A-78.6
Prior to the acquisition or construction of any project, or any reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, renovation, preservation, or improvement of a project, the cost of which undertaking is estimated to exceed $100,000.00 the authority shall, except as otherwise provided in subsection d. of section 9 of P.L. 1992, c.174 (C.52:18A-78.5c):
For the purposes of this section "cost" means, in addition to the usual connotations thereof, the cost of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, improvement and operation of all or any part of a project, and includes, but is not limited to, the cost or fair market value of construction, machinery and equipment, property rights, easements, privileges, agreements, franchises, utility extensions, disposal facilities, access roads and site development deemed by the authority to be necessary or useful and convenient therewith, discount on bonds, cost of issuance of bonds, engineering and inspection costs and legal expenses, cost of financial, professional and other estimates and advice, organization, administrative, insurance, operating and other expenses of the authority or any person prior to and during any acquisition or construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair or improvement, and all other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the financing, acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, repair or improvement and completion of the project or part thereof, and also provision for reserves for payment or security of, principal of, or interest on, the bonds during any such undertaking.
N.J.S. § 52:18A-78.6