Section 52:18A-78.5a - Purposes for authority projectsa. The projects of the authority shall be undertaken for the following purposes: (1) The creation, reconstruction, extension, rehabilitation, renovation, preservation or improvement of office space and related facilities necessary for the conduct of official business by State agencies, including storage and warehouse facilities, motor vehicle inspection stations, testing and research laboratories;(2) The acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, renovation, preservation, or improvement of State correctional facilities, except in State parks and forests and land devoted to recreation and conservation purposes under the jurisdiction of the Department of Environmental Protection and Energy pursuant to P.L. 1983, c.324 (C.13:1L-1 et al.); and(3) The renovation or preservation of historic public buildings.b.(1) For the purposes of paragraph (1) of subsection a. of this section, the authority shall make every effort to preserve historically significant buildings as office space and related facilities, in addition to creating new office space and related facilities.(2) For purposes of paragraph (2) of subsection a. of this section with respect to buildings located in the State Capital, the authority shall be exempt from compliance with any of the provisions of P.L. 1987, c.58 (C.52:9Q-9 et seq.).