Section 52:18A-78.3 - Findings, declarationsThe Legislature finds and declares the following:
a. That for many years the functions of the State Government have grown and that during this period of rapid expansion no definite program has been adopted for the housing and carrying out of the operations of the many State agencies.b. That many State agencies have their offices in privately owned or inadequate State owned buildings and that these buildings are inadequate to meet the needs of these State agencies and the needs of the people of the State.c. That it is to the economic benefit and general welfare of the citizens of the State to provide sufficient office space and related facilities for these State agencies and thus provide for a more efficient and economic operation of State Government.d. That projects for the construction of correctional facilities are required because of a critical public need and a legal constraint.e. That in order to provide for office space and related facilities at a cost that these State agencies can afford, it is necessary to create and establish a building authority for the purposes of constructing, operating, selling and leasing office buildings and related facilities to meet the needs of State agencies.f. It is necessary and in the public interest that this building authority have the necessary funds to provide for predevelopment cost, temporary financing, land development expenses, construction and operation of office buildings and related facilities for the use of, and sale or rental to, State agencies.g. That the renovation and preservation of historic public buildings contribute to the preservation of the State's heritage, the promotion of the cultural life of our people, and the development and redevelopment of our municipalities.h. For these purposes, there should be created a corporate governmental agency to be known as the "New Jersey Building Authority" which, through issuance of bonds and notes to the private, investing public may provide or obtain the capital resources necessary to acquire, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, preserve or improve these office buildings and related facilities necessary or convenient to the operation of any State agency, or historic public buildings, as the case may be.i. That the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, renovation, preservation or improvement of these office buildings and related facilities necessary or convenient to the operation of any State agency, and historic public buildings are public uses and public purposes for which public money may be loaned and private property may be acquired and tax exemptions granted, and that the powers and duties of the New Jersey Building Authority as set forth in this act are necessary and proper for the purpose of achieving the ends here recited.j. That the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, renovation, preservation and improvement activities of the authority will provide a much needed stimulus for the construction industry, and related industries and professions, particularly in urban areas.k. That the highest priority for the New Jersey Building Authority shall be the renovation and preservation of the following facilities in the State Capital: the State House, the Old Barracks, the War Memorial, the Kelsey Building, and the townhouses adjacent to the Kelsey Building.L.1981, c.120, s.3; amended 1983, c.138, s.2; 1992, c.174, s.2.