Section 52:18A-78.28 - Affirmative action programa. The authority shall adopt rules and regulations to establish an affirmative action program for the hiring of minority workers employed in the performance of construction contracts undertaken in connection with any of its projects, and to expand the business opportunities of socially and economically disadvantaged contractors and vendors seeking to provide materials and services for those contracts, consistent with the provisions of the "Law Against Discrimination," P.L. 1945, c. 169 (C. 10:5-1 et seq.). The authority shall provide for the proper enforcement and administration of these rules and regulations.b. Within 180 days of the effective date of this act, but before adoption of its rules and regulations concerning its affirmative action program, the authority shall submit the proposed rules and regulations to the presiding officers and the standing committees on state government of both houses of the Legislature for their review.L.1981, c.120, s.28, eff. 4/16/1981.