N.J. Stat. § 52:18A-6.1
The Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting in the Department of the Treasury shall succeed to and shall exercise and perform those functions, powers and duties of the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance prescribed under and pursuant to the provisions of "A supplement to "An Act concerning war adjustment in the compensation of certain persons holding State office, position or employment whose compensation is paid from State funds or from funds derived from Federal sources, or holding office, position or employment in an educational institution whose compensation is paid in whole or part through the board of regents, or holding Federal office, position or employment who receive supplemental compensation from State funds and concerning additional compensation in lieu of a further salary increase for persons holding office, position or employment under the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission and making appropriation therefor,' approved April fourteenth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-four (P.L. 1944, c. 119)," approved April fourth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five (P.L. 1945, c. 91), and under and pursuant to the provisions of "An act concerning civil service," approved April twenty-fourth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six (P.L. 1946, c. 150), and under and pursuant to the provisions of "A supplement to "An act concerning war adjustment in the compensation of certain persons holding State office, position or employment whose compensation is paid from State funds or from funds derived from Federal sources, or holding office, position or employment in an educational institution whose compensation is paid in whole or part through the board of regents, or holding Federal office, position or employment who receive supplemental compensation from State funds and concerning additional compensation in lieu of a further salary increase for persons holding office, position or employment under the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission and making appropriation therefor,' approved April fourteenth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-four (P.L. 1944, c. 119), and extending the benefits of said act to include certain persons holding office, position or employment, in an educational institution whose compensation is paid in whole or in part from State funds through the Commissioner of Education, and under the Interstate Sanitation Commission," approved April twenty-fourth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six (P.L. 1946, c. 151), and under and pursuant to the provisions of "A supplement to "An act concerning war adjustment in the compensation of certain persons holding State office, position or employment whose compensation is paid from State funds or from funds derived from Federal sources, or holding office, position or employment in an educational institution whose compensation is paid in whole or part through the board of regents, or holding Federal office, position or employment who receive supplemental compensation from State funds and concerning additional compensation in lieu of a further salary increase for persons holding office, position or employment under the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission and making appropriation therefor,' approved April fourteenth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-four (P.L. 1944, c. 119), and extending the benefits of said act to include certain persons holding office, position or employment, in an educational institution whose compensation is paid in whole or in part from State funds through the Commissioner of Education, and under the Interstate Sanitation Commission," approved July third, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven (P.L. 1947, c. 389), and under and pursuant to the provisions of "An act concerning war adjustment, and cost of living bonuses for certain persons holding office, position or employment in the State, whose compensation is paid from State funds or from funds derived from Federal sources, or holding office, position or employment in educational institutions whose compensation is paid, in whole or in part, by contract or otherwise, through the Commissioner of Education or the State Board of Education, or holding Federal office, position or employment who received supplemental compensation from State funds, or holding office, position or employment under the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission or the Interstate Sanitation Commission and making an appropriation therefor and providing for a study of existing State salary ranges, and salary increase increments, by the Civil Service Commission," approved June ninth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight (P.L. 1948, c. 116).
N.J.S. § 52:18A-6.1