N.J. Stat. § 52:18A-52
The Authority is created for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, maintaining, equipping, furnishing, repairing and operating a State office building in the city of Trenton, an administrative building or buildings for the use of the offices of the State Department of Education and a library building for the use of the State Department of Education on the campus of the New Jersey State Teachers College at Trenton, a dormitory building or buildings on the campus of the State University of New Jersey maintained by the trustees of Rutgers College in New Jersey, a building, or buildings, on the campus of Newark College of Engineering for the purposes of instruction, motor vehicle inspection stations at a site or sites specified by the Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles and approved by the Attorney-General and the State House Commission, State Police barracks at a site or sites specified by the Superintendent of State Police and approved by the Attorney-General and the State House Commission, and housing for employees of State institutions operated by the Department of Institutions and Agencies at a site or sites specified by the Commissioner of Institutions and Agencies and approved by the State Board of Control of Institutions and Agencies and the State House Commission. The Authority shall lease or otherwise contract for the use of space in projects or parts thereof, but such leases shall be only to, and such contracts only with, the State or any departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the State.
N.J.S. § 52:18A-52