Section 52:18A-260 - Public-Private Partnership Review Funda. There is hereby established in the Department of the Treasury the Public-Private Partnership Review Fund. The purpose of the fund will be to support financial and administrative review functions associated with the Public-Private Partnership plan review by the State Treasurer, along with the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, the Department of Community Affairs, the Department of Education, the Schools Development Authority, and the Department of Transportation, established by P.L. 2018, c. 90(C.40A:11-52 et al.).b. Notwithstanding the provisions of any law or regulation to the contrary, upon entering into any public-private partnership agreement which is backed, in whole or in part, by New Jersey Economic Development Authority bonds pursuant to P.L. 2018, c. 90(C.40A:11-52 et al.), a public entity shall remit one percent of the portion of the revenue established under the agreement to the Department of the Treasury to be placed in the Public-Private Partnership Review Fund.c. The State Treasurer, in coordination with any relevant agency, including the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, Department of Transportation, and Department of Community Affairs, shall provide, and make available to the public on the Internet, an annual report, not later than December 31, 2019 and each year after that year, a list of all projects reviewed and the percentage and amount of funds withheld and provided to the fund pursuant to this section.