Section 52:18A-240 - Rules, regulations relative to affirmative action programa. The development authority shall adopt rules and regulations pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L. 1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), to establish an affirmative action program for the hiring of minority workers employed in the performance of construction contracts undertaken in connection with any of its school facilities projects, and to expand the business opportunities of socially and economically disadvantaged contractors and vendors seeking to provide materials and services for those contracts, consistent with the provisions of the "Law Against Discrimination," P.L. 1945, c.169 (C.10:5-1 et seq.). The development authority shall provide for the proper enforcement and administration of these rules and regulations.b. The development authority may allocate up to one-half of one percent of the annual value of its construction program to the financing of minority and women worker outreach and training programs pertinent to school facilities project construction.c. The rules and regulations establishing an affirmative action program adopted by the New Jersey Schools Construction Corporation pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 2000, c. 72(C.18A:7G-1 et al.) shall remain in full force and effect unless subsequently revised by the development authority following the enactment of P.L. 2007, c. 137(C.52:18A-235 et al.).Added by L. 2007, c. 137,s. 6, eff. 8/6/2007.