Section 52:18A-234.4 - Chief Data Officer; appointment, authority, responsibilities; rules, regulationsa. A Chief Data Officer shall be appointed by the Chief Technology Officer, after consultation with the State Treasurer. The Chief Data Officer, in cooperation with the State Treasurer, shall be responsible for overseeing and implementing a unique, dedicated open data website and any additional or existing open data websites linked thereto by an agency. The Chief Data Officer shall have the authority to:(1) establish, in consultation with the Attorney General, procedures, standards, and best practices regarding the appropriate access and presentation of open data and datasets by each agency;(2) develop a dataset format standard to be used by all agencies in providing their datasets to the Chief Data Officer, or in making their data available on their own websites, and ensure that under the standard, the datasets shall be accessible in a non-proprietary, machine-readable format that is compliant with federal and State accessibility rules and requirements and implemented on a schedule deemed appropriate by the Chief Data Officer;(3) monitor and ensure compliance with the procedures, standards, and policies adopted pursuant to this act;(4) provide such management and technical assistance as the Chief Data Officer deems necessary to ensure that there is ready access to the open data and datasets available to the public and agencies; and(5) develop, in conjunction with the Attorney General, a methodology to review and reconcile inter-agency disputes regarding access to open data and datasets, and privacy issues.b. The Chief Data Officer, with the cooperation of the State Treasurer, shall be responsible for: (1) creating and maintaining a unique, dedicated website that either provides datasets maintained and provided by agencies or searchable links to datasets hosted by agency websites;(2) updating datasets and links as they are provided by an agency; and(3) monitoring agency websites to make certain they follow the policies and procedures established by the Chief Data Officer pursuant to this section. The State Treasurer and an agency may, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L. 1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), adopt such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary to effectuate the purposes of this act.
Added by L. 2017, c. 2,s. 4, eff. 5/7/2017.