N.J. Stat. § 52:18A-212
The Legislature finds and declares that the Trenton War Memorial building is a cultural, historic and artistic asset to the citizens of New Jersey and is used for activities, performances and official convocations by organizations, groups and public agencies from throughout the State. The promotion, operation, restoration and maintenance of the War Memorial building is, therefore, in the public interest of the State and the best means to achieve this end is by ownership and operation of the building and lands by the State. It is also in the public interest of the State that the use privileges accorded veterans' organizations to space within the facility prior to the effective date of P.L. 2003, 149 will be continued.
The Legislature also finds and declares that the State will have the ability to present and promote programs of its own selection at the War Memorial building in order to make the facility's schedule of events more responsive to the interests of State, local and regional residents while not limiting use of the facility by New Jersey organizations, community groups and public agencies.
N.J.S. § 52:18A-212