Section 52:18A-201 - Office of Planning Advocacya. There is established in the Department of the Treasury the Office of State Planning, which was renamed as the "Office of Planning Advocacy," and transferred to the Department of State pursuant to Governor Christie's Reorganization Plan No. 002-2011, effective August 28, 2011. The director of the office shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The director shall supervise and direct the activities of the office and shall serve as the secretary and principal executive officer of the State Planning Commission.b. The Office of Planning Advocacy shall assist the commission in the performance of its duties and shall:(1) Publish an annual report on the status of the State Development and Redevelopment Plan which shall describe the progress towards achieving the goals of the plan, the degree of consistency achieved among municipal, county, regional, and State plans, and plans of military facilities, the capital needs of the State, and progress towards providing housing where such need is indicated;(2) Provide planning service to other agencies or instrumentalities of State government, review the plans prepared by them, and coordinate planning to avoid or mitigate conflicts between plans;(3) Provide advice and assistance to regional, county and local planning units;(4) Review and comment on the plans of interstate agencies where the plans affect this State;(5) Compile quantitative current estimates and Statewide forecasts for population, employment, housing and land needs for development and redevelopment; and(6) Prepare and submit to the State Planning Commission, as an aid in the preparation of the State Development and Redevelopment Plan, alternate growth and development strategies which are likely to produce favorable economic, environmental and social results.c. The director shall ensure that the responsibilities and duties of the commission are fulfilled, and shall represent the commission and promote its activities before government agencies, public and private interest groups and the general public, and shall undertake or direct such other activities as the commission shall direct or as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of P.L. 1985, c.398 (C.52:18A-196 et al.).d. With the consent of the commission, the director shall assign to the commission from the staff of the office at least two full-time planners, a full-time liaison to local and county governments and regional entities, and such other staff, clerical, stenographic and expert assistance as the director shall deem necessary for the fulfillment of the commission's responsibilities and duties.e. The Office of Planning Advocacy shall assist the Military and Defense Economic Ombudsman in the performance of his duties and the director shall assign to the Military and Defense Economic Ombudsman, from the staff of the office, at least one full-time planner, a full-time liaison to local governments and regional and State entities, and such other staff, clerical, stenographic, and expert assistance as the director shall deem necessary for the fulfillment of the ombudsman's responsibilities and duties.Amended by L. 2016, c. 21,s. 9, eff. 8/1/2016.Amended by L. 2004, c. 120, s. 66, eff. 8/10/2004.L.1985, c.398, s.6, eff. Jan. 2, 1986.