Section 52:18A-18.1 - Notice prior to moving State facilitya. The Division of Purchase and Property in the Department of the Treasury shall, prior to moving a State facility out of a municipality, give 90 days' written notice by certified mail to the chief executive officer of the municipality affected thereby. The division, however, shall not be required to provide this notice in an emergency situation.b. For the purposes of subsection a. of this section, an "emergency situation" means: (1) A situation which threatens health or safety, or which violates any health, building or fire code provision relating to the safe occupancy and use of the premises;(2) A situation in which the State is given less than 90 days' notice to vacate the premises; or(3) A situation in which the State is unable to reach an agreement on a lease renewal for an existing tenancy, or an alternative appropriate space, at reasonable market value rent and terms before the 90th day preceding the date upon which the premises which it occupies must be surrendered.