Section 52:18A-167 - Powersa. The board is empowered to take all measures necessary for the implementation and administration of this act, including but not limited to the following: (1) The delegation of all or part of the administration of the Plan, including the management and investment of deferred and deducted salary funds, to any division or divisions within the Department of the Treasury;(2) Contracting with one or more private organizations for the administration of all or part of the plan, including the management and investment or either thereof of deferred and deducted salary funds, provided that any such contract or contracts be in compliance with applicable bidding requirements for award of State contracts; and further provided that a board determination to contract for the investment of any or all of said funds is subject to the prior approval of the State Investment Council and when said approval has been received, the board shall delegate the responsibility for said contracting to the Division of Investment;(3) Establishment of a plan or plan option which permits a participating employee to request the administrator of the plan to invest all or a specified percentage of said employee's deferred salary in one of or a specified combination of the following kinds of investments: (a) life insurance contracts,(b) annuity contracts, and(c) mutual fund shares; provided that the administrator retains the discretion to reject said request and further provided that the specific investment so made is selected and determined by the Division of Investment acting on behalf of the administrator or by a private organization operating under a contract pursuant to subsection 5a(2) of this section and subject to the approval of the Division of Investment;(4) The establishment, either in the plan or through separate rules and regulations, of the requirements, limitations and conditions for participation in the plan, including but not limited to the setting forth of those State employees deemed eligible for participation in the plan; the amount of current salary an employee may defer and have deducted for disposition by the board; when and under what circumstances such deferrals and deductions may be made, changed or revoked; when and under what circumstances a participating employee or designated beneficiaries may withdraw funds from the plan; and when and under what circumstances records and data concerning benefits under the plan shall remain confidential;(5) Consultation with any State agency or with majority representatives of State employees for the purpose of receiving their views and comments.b. The board shall provide in the plan for any distribution of investment earnings, gains or losses, consistent with the requirements of the United States Internal Revenue Service. The distribution shall be allocated to each employee when he or she withdraws from the plan or receives benefits from the plan in accordance with the terms of the plan and the provisions of this act.c. The board shall provide in the plan for a uniform system of accounting for each participating employee and for the investment of deferred compensation funds with annual or more frequent reports to the participants in the plan, provided however, that said uniform system of accounting as it applies to the investment of said funds shall be subject to the prior approval of and modification by the State Investment Council.d. A private organization operating under a contract pursuant to subsection 5a(2) of this section or seeking or planning to seek such a contract may not distribute or make public any written material concerning any deferred compensation program or benefits authorized under this act without the prior approval by the Division of Investment of the form and content or the material.L.1978, c.39, s.5, eff. 6/19/1978.