N.J. Stat. § 45:9-5.1
Within the meaning of this chapter (45:9-1 et seq.), except as herein otherwise provided, and except for the purposes of the exemptions hereinafter contained in sections 45:9-14.1 to 45:9-14.10, inclusive, the phrase "the practice of medicine or surgery" and the phrase "the practice of medicine and surgery" shall include the practice of any branch of medicine and/or surgery, and any method of treatment of human ailment, disease, pain, injury, deformity, mental or physical condition, and the term "physician and surgeon" or "physician or surgeon" shall be deemed to include practitioners in any branch of medicine and/or surgery or method of treatment of human ailment, disease, pain, injury, deformity, mental or physical condition. Within the meaning of this act, except as herein otherwise specifically provided, and except for the purposes of the exemptions hereinafter contained in sections 45:9-14.1 to 45:9-14.10, inclusive, the practice of medicine and/or surgery shall be deemed to include, inter alia, the practice of osteopathy, and nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt the holder of a license issued under or validated by the provisions contained in sections 45:9-14.1 to 45:9-14.10, inclusive, from the operation of the provisions contained in section 45:9-16 of this Title.
A professional school or college shall be taken to mean a medical school or college or other school or college having purposes similar to a medical school or college; provided, however, that as to any applicant for a license under the provisions of this chapter who, prior to October first, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, matriculated in such a school or college, a professional school or college shall, for the purposes of the provisions contained in sections 45:9-6 to 45:9-11, inclusive, be taken to mean a medical school or college which required the study of medicine and surgery in all of its branches. In all instances, unless otherwise provided, such school or college shall be approved by the board.
N.J.S. § 45:9-5.1