Section 45:9-37.82 - License required; conditionsa. No person shall practice electrology or teach electrology, whether or not compensation is received or expected, unless the person holds a valid license to practice or teach electrology in this State, except nothing in this act shall be construed to:(1) prohibit any person licensed to practice or certified to teach in this State under any other law from engaging in the practice or teaching for which he is licensed, regulated or certified; or(2) prohibit any student enrolled in an approved clinical electrology education program from performing that which is necessary to the student's course of study.b. No person, business entity or its employees, agents or representatives shall use the titles "licensed electrologist" or "licensed electrology instructor," or the letters "L.E." or "L.E.I.," or any other title, designation, words, letters, abbreviations or insignia indicating the practice or teaching of electrology, unless licensed to practice or teach electrology under the provisions of this act.c. No person, firm, corporation, partnership or other legal entity shall operate, maintain or use premises for the rendering of any service provided in the definition of electrology without first having secured an office license from the board.d. In addition to the provisions of section 8 of P.L. 1978, c.73 (C.45:1-21), the board may refuse to grant or may suspend or revoke a license to practice or teach electrology upon proof to the satisfaction of the board that the holder thereof has: (1) employed unlicensed persons to practice electrology, or supervised or aided an unlicensed person in the practice of electrology;(2) advertised the practice of electrology so as to disseminate false, deceptive or misleading information, whether as an individual, through a professional service corporation, or through a third party;(3) promoted the sale of devices, appliances, or goods to a patient so as to exploit the patient for financial gain;(4) used instruments or procedures in the practice of electrology that are not approved by the board;(5) maintained an office in a manner which is unsafe or unsanitary; or(6) acted in a manner inconsistent with standards for the practice of electrology approved by the board.