Section 45:9-37.19 - License required to practice, assist at physical therapy; exceptionsNo person shall practice physical therapy or act as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, whether or not compensation is received or expected, unless the person holds a valid license to practice in this State; however, nothing in this section shall be construed to:
a. Prohibit any student enrolled in a school or post-graduate course of physical therapy or in a course of study for training as a physical therapist assistant that is approved or recognized by the board from performing physical therapy or acting as a physical therapist assistant, as appropriate, which is necessary to his course of study;b. Prohibit any person licensed to practice in this State under any other law from engaging in the practice for which the person is licensed, provided that: the procedures or duties performed by that person are within the scope of that person's practice as established by law and the accepted standards of practice of the profession for which the person is licensed; and the person does not represent himself as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant;c. Prohibit any person employed by an agency, bureau or division of the federal government from practicing physical therapy within the scope of his official duties;d. With the exception of the provisions of section 20 of P.L. 1983, c.296 (C.45:9-37.30), prohibit any person licensed to practice in this State under any other law from engaging in the practice for which the person is licensed, provided that: the procedures or duties performed by that person are within the scope of that person's practice as established by law and the accepted standards of practice of the profession for which the person is licensed; and the person does not represent himself as a physical therapist, or physical therapist assistant;e. Prohibit any student enrolled in a school or post-graduate course of physical therapy or in a course of study for training as a physical therapist assistant that is approved or recognized by the board from performing physical therapy or acting as a physical therapist assistant, as appropriate, which is necessary to his course of study or as part of a pro bono community-based service project under the supervision of a physical therapist licensed by the board;f. Prohibit an individual who is licensed as a physical therapist in another jurisdiction of the United States or credentialed to practice physical therapy in another country, from teaching, demonstrating or providing physical therapy services in connection with teaching or participating in an educational seminar for no more than 30 days in a calendar year;g. Prohibit an individual who is licensed as a physical therapist in a jurisdiction of the United States or credentialed in another country from performing physical therapy or acting as a physical therapist assistant, if that individual by contract or employment is providing physical therapy to patients affiliated with or employed by established athletic teams, athletic organizations or performing arts companies temporarily practicing, competing or performing in the State for no more than 30 days in a calendar year;h. Prohibit an individual who is licensed as a physical therapist in another jurisdiction of the United States from entering this State to provide physical therapy during a declared local, State or national disaster or emergency, including a public health emergency declared by the Governor pursuant to the "Emergency Health Powers Act, P.L. 2005, c. 222(C.26:13-1 et seq.). This exemption applies for no longer than 30 days following the declaration of the emergency. In order to be eligible for this exemption the physical therapist shall notify the board of his intent to practice;i. Prohibit an individual who is licensed as a physical therapist in another jurisdiction of the United States who is forced to leave his residence or place of employment due to a declared local, State or national disaster or emergency and due to such displacement seeks to practice physical therapy. This exemption applies for no more than 30 days following the declaration of the emergency. In order to be eligible for this exemption the physical therapist shall notify the board of his intent to practice; orj. Prohibit an individual who is licensed or certified as a physical therapist assistant in a jurisdiction of the United States and is assisting a licensed physical therapist engaged specifically in activities related to subsections d., e., f., g. and h. of this section.k. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an individual who is licensed to practice medicine and surgery in this State from rendering a utilization management decision that limits, restricts or curtails a course of physical therapy care.Amended by L. 2017, c. 121,s. 3, eff. 1/17/2018.Amended by L. 2003, c. 18, s. 5, eff. 2/13/2003.