N.J. Stat. § 45:9-37.113
As used in this act:
"Board" means the State Board of Medical Examiners established pursuant to R.S. 45:9-1.
"Director" means the Director of the Division of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Law and Public Safety.
"Genetic counseling" means a communication process, conducted by one or more appropriately trained individuals, that may include: obtaining and interpreting individual, family, medical and developmental histories; determining the mode of inheritance and risk of transmission of genetic conditions and birth defects; discussing the inheritance features, natural history, means of diagnosis, and management of genetic conditions and birth defects; identifying, coordinating, and explaining the clinical implications of genetic laboratory tests and other diagnostic studies and their results; integrating genetic laboratory test results and other diagnostic studies with personal and family medical history to assess and communicate risk factors for genetic or medical conditions and diseases; assessing psychosocial factors; recognizing social, educational, and cultural issues; evaluating the client's or family's responses to the condition or risk of recurrence and providing client-centered counseling and anticipatory guidance; and facilitating informed decision making about testing, management, and alternatives.
"Genetic Counseling Advisory Committee" or "committee" means the Genetic Counseling Advisory Committee established pursuant to section 4 of this act.
"Genetic counselor" means a health professional with specialized education, training and experience in medical genetics who meets the requirements for licensure as provided in this act.
"Licensed genetic counselor" means a person who holds a current, valid license issued pursuant to section 9 of this act.
"Supervision" means the direct review of a supervisee for the purpose of teaching, training, administration, accountability or clinical review by a supervisor in the same area of specialized practice.
N.J.S. § 45:9-37.113