N.J. Stat. § 45:9-17
Any person receiving a license under the provisions of this article shall file it, or a certified copy thereof, with the clerk of the county in which he resides, and the clerk shall file the same and enter a memorandum thereof in a book to be approved by the board and to be kept for that purpose, giving the date of said license, the name and address of the licensee and the date of filing, for which registry said clerk shall be entitled to a fee of one dollar. If the licensee moves into another county, he shall procure from said clerk a certified copy of such registration and file the same with the clerk of the county to which he removes, who shall file and enter the same with like effect as if the same were an original license, and for which registry the clerk shall be entitled to a fee of one dollar. Upon each registry or reregistry, the registrant shall make an affidavit that he is the person described in the license or registration copy. Each county clerk shall, upon the last day of November of each year, furnish the secretary of the board a list of all licenses, and certified copies of licenses and registration of licenses of the board filed in his office during the previous year, together with any certified copies of registrations issued by him as above provided, and upon notice to him of the change of location or death of a licensee or of the revocation of a license, the clerk shall enter, at the appropriate place in the records so kept by him, a memorandum of the fact, which memorandum shall be furnished by said clerk to the secretary of the board in the annual report above required.
N.J.S. § 45:9-17